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Lisianthus Lilac

$ 2,890.00

Our new favourite, flower box in lilac tones and very peri color of the year, a design that will undoubtedly leave mom with the best smile.

Las entregas del día 10 de mayo son en horario abierto
El 14 de febrero y el 10 de mayo el horario de entrega es abierto, si necesitas una entrega especial llámanos al 800 466 1316.
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Handmade cardboard box. Includes 48 to 52 lilac, purple, carmine and purple lisianthus roses, purple spur stems, white tulip stems, curley and palms in natural, silver and pink.

Note: If at the time of receiving your order we do not have any floral element, we guarantee the replacement of it with the quality and beauty that distinguishes us.