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Wedding Season is Here!

By: :Alex Martinell 0 comments
Wedding Season is Here!

June arrives, the first month of summer, hosting one of our favorite times of the year: wedding season!

After two long years of waiting, couples want to celebrate in style and share with their loved ones this transcendental moment in their lives, outdoors, surrounded by all the beauty that nature offers us. Of course, flowers cannot be missing and at Melrose we are delighted with the new floral trends this year to give that special touch to your wedding. Tell us what the wedding of your dreams is like and let us materialize it with the most fantastic floral design!

And if you loved Nicola Peltz's bouquet, or would love to marry a classic bouquet of white roses like Paris Hilton's, Melrose has a wide selection and variety of flowers to make the bouquet of your dreams come true.  

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